Tips for Your First Days in the Classroom

You stare out to a sea of blank faces staring back at you who are waiting for you to say something meaningful and engaging.  You break out in a cold sweat, your mouth is dry, and you find your hands slightly shaking.  Your mind goes blank and you struggle to remember what you were going to say while trying to portray confidence.  Welcome to your first days of teaching!


Here are some tips to help you out with those first knee-knocking days:


    1. Be prepared – check out your classroom ahead of time, test the teaching technologies, make sure your password works and you can log into the classroom computer, have plenty of markers, dry erase, etc. on hand.
    2. Practice your lesson plans – try them out on your family and friends.  Record yourself and review; are you speaking clearly, do you look comfortable (even if you’re not)?  Review your material ahead of time.  Do you have enough materials and engaging activities?
    3. Are you dressed for success?  This doesn’t’ mean coming in a suit or a tie but it does mean that you look professional and tidy.  You are representing your field of expertise and TRU.  This also includes professional language.
    4. Show your enthusiasm and the passion you have for your trade!  Let students know that you are there to share your knowledge and that you want to support their learning.  Use positive and encouraging language and statements.  Your first days set the tone for the rest of your class.
    5. Have water on hand.  You will get thirsty and even more so when you’re nervous.
    6. Get to know your students and have them get to know each other.  Share your history and what has led you to teach.  Keep it short though.  Students get quite bored and disengaged if you blab on for too long.  Have your students share a little about themselves such as what they might enjoy doing and why they have pursued a career in the trades.  This will help build a sense of community in the classroom.
    7. Set some ground rules such as absences, coming to class late, cell phones, respectful language, etc.  You set the tone of professionalism in the classroom.
    8. Expect that things won’t go as planned.  Have an option B handy and refer to #1 on the list.
    9. Don’t get discouraged.  Some days…hours…minutes will go better than others.  You are learning just as the students are too.
    10. Remember to change things up a little.  The students will quickly become bored and disengaged if all you do is lecture.  Get them involved and have them facilitate their own learning.  There are many tips and techniques to use in the classroom.
    11. Oh and one more…try and have fun and relax.  Teaching is an honourable profession and we appreciate the knowledge you are bringing to the classroom. It will get easier!



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